Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cheap Auto Insurance 16 Year Old

The time has come and your son or daughter has not turned sixteen years old. Chances are, they have been asking to drive for quite some time now. This can be a big nightmare for many parents, especially those who can barely afford their own insurance. Also, just thinking about the teenagers being behind the wheel of that automobile and what could happen will make any parent cringe into sadness. However, there comes a point in time where every boy and girl has to grow up. While we are able to tell them where they can and cannot go, if we just hold our children back and tell them that they are not allowed to get that drivers license, then we will only be harming them as they need to start learning at a young age. So, how is auto insurance 16 year old? Simply put... It can be horrible.

You see, automobile insurance for a sixteen year old can be really high. Why is the insurance so high for the teenagers? Well, the automobile insurance agency views the teenage driver as being a high risk driver. This is because they do not have much knowledge and experience of being behind the wheel. However, there is a way to change this...

By encouraging your sixteen year old to take Drivers Ed courses, you will be saving money on that insurance. You see, many companies out there give discounts to teenagers that have passed a Driver's Ed course. This is because the Driver's Ed course will be teaching them knowledge and giving them a bit more experience than they would have.

Another way for your teenager to reduce that insurance bill would be to get good grades. Many insurance companies will give discounts to those teenagers who have high GPAS. The grades should be no lower than a B.

Also, we know that your child wants that nice sports car - we remember getting a Ford Mustang for our sixteenth birthday and we must say, the car insurance was way up there.

We remember the insurance agency telling our parents that the price of the insurance was not only because of our age, but it was also because of the sports car. It seems that sports cars have high insurance, no matter what as they view them as being a liability.

In the end, don't forget that the Internet is your greatest tool - Use the Internet to search around and get different insurance quotes for your sixteen year old.

Author Resource:- So, how is auto insurance 16 year old? Simply put... It can be horrible. We do however have all the tips for saving on car insurance.
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